Critical Support For Agunos, Grushos & Melamdim

Chickens for Shabbos is a life-changing initiative that provides vital support for Agunos, Grushos, Melamdim, and their dependents.

We extend a helping hand to these struggling families who are frequently marginalized and neglected, left alone with no access to appropriate resources or services. Often living in unspeakable conditions and barely making it through the month, the households we reach out to are fighting a daily battle just to survive.

We are there for them.

With aid for a wide range of necessities including food purchases, clothing, therapy sessions and tuition fees, we help Agunos and Grushos keep their families afloat. The homes of the Melamdim we assist are stabilized thanks to our food vouchers and support for urgent expenses. Stable home environments nurture Melamdims' sense of calm and positivity, overlapping into the classroom and benefiting their students.

Chickens for Shabbos remembers those who've been forgotten.

American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri has partnered with Chickens for Shabbos for more than 12 years and together we have distributed nearly $18,000,000, significantly lightening the burden of thousands of the most vulnerable Jews and giving them critical help at the most difficult times. 

May Hasheem bless you all with the continued ability to care.

אם אתה משמח את שלי אני משמח את שלך

אמן כן יהי רצון

Chickens for Shabbos remembers those who've been forgotten.

Who We Are

Chickens for Shabbos was started by Mr. Robby Neuman when he became keenly aware of the plight of Agunos, Grushos, and Melamdim.

These wonderful people are so often the most neglected and underserved and are unable to access any help. Some of them live in unspeakable conditions and some barely make it through the month. Some are facing multiple challenges, and some are suddenly confronted with a tragedy that turns their lives upside down.

Chickens for Shabbos use American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri's distribution system to efficiently distribute the money collected. American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri absorbs the costs of distribution and overhead so that every dollar given to Chickens for Shabbos is actually used to help the most vulnerable and neediest Jews. American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri agreed to do this because they believe that Chickens for Shabbos, Mr. Neuman, its founders, and partners have objectives that are pure, and they are serving a group that falls squarely into the parameters of American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri's mission statement. 


From Chickens To Millions: How A Local Charity Is Helping The Most Vulnerable Jews Around The World

Chazaq And Chickens For Shabbos Partner For Kew Gardens Distribution

Our programs fall into 2 main categories:

  1. Agunos and Grushos 2. Melamdim

Agunos and Grushos

These women are the most unfortunate of all our recipients. They are often at the receiving end of scorn and disdain. They are harassed by ex-spouses and subject to eviction, homelessness and extreme poverty. Their children are often held at arm's length, even by school administrators and teachers, who should know better. The children are at great risk for a life on the streets or juvenile and young adult delinquency and often need unaffordable therapy to keep them on track.

Chickens for Shabbos provides these families food vouchers, clothing, therapy for specific and tragic cases and sometimes help with tuition. There are thousands more just like them.

This help is incredible and changes the lives of these families. Perhaps one of the greatest benefits is the knowledge, for an Aguna or Grusha, that there is, actually, someone who cares about her and her children. That is something she's never experienced before, and it is a profound and precious gift. 


Chickens for Shabbos is committed to helping Melamdim and the responsibilities and burdens they carry. When they are broken and unable to feed their families, their classroom charges suffer the consequences, and a cycle of unhappiness and underachievement begins. In short, if a teacher is unable to support his family, this quickly transforms his ability to succeed into surefire failure.

Chickens for Shabbos provides over 300 of the neediest Melamdim, (mostly in Eretz Yisrael, but some in the US), with food vouchers, and with emergency help when manageable situations spiral into chaos. Again, there are many hundreds more who need this help. The food vouchers are the difference between a hungry and often angry family, and a controlled and sustainable family. The emergency help can be a medical challenge, a simple case of braces or dental help, or the need for reading or speech therapy, expensive eyeglasses, vocational training or microfinancing if someone can and would like to start a business.