Critical Support for Agunos, Grushos & Melamdim

Chickens for Shabbos is a life-changing initiative that provides vital support for Agunos, Grushos, Melamdim and their dependents.

Case Study 1

Rav Schwartz is a Melamed who has a reputation far beyond his native Yerushalayim.

He managed to put food on the table for his family and although he did not have an extra penny, his family was cared for and happy. 2 of the Rav’s children developed a serious medical condition that sapped the family’s finances. After years of debt, Rav Schwartz began to experience bouts of sadness which eventually led to deep and debilitating depression. He could no longer work and the family, that had been strong and self- sufficient, became chaotic and dysfunctional. Rav Schwartz needed help but he could not afford to go for this help. You paid for his therapy and he is now well on the way to recovery. You also made living so much sweeter for him by helping him with wedding expenses and with food vouchers and clothing. You allowed his 2 sick children to receive hormone therapy which will enable them to grow and thrive. A family that was in grave danger of dissolving is now functioning and strong!

Chickens for Shabbos remembers those who've been forgotten.

Case study 2

Talya Shaked was abandoned by her Mother at the age of 7.

Her Mother hailed a cab, told the cab to drop her off at a mall where someone would be waiting, and left. There was nobody at the mall and Talya has been fighting for existence ever since then. She grew up in a dormitory, where they cared for her and helped her to marry, but her husband was every bit as dysfunctional as her mother was. Talya is a grusha with 6 children and she works many hours each day cleaning people’s homes. She has a medical condition that requires out-of-pocket payment, and she has a daughter who can only learn with a special teacher. When Talya heard that she was getting help from Chickens for Shabbos, she burst into tears. Nobody had ever been kind to her before. You gave Talya $2000 for her medical costs, $1000 to clothe her children and $960 for a teacher for her daughter who was totally unable to learn without this help.